In consultation with the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia and the World Heritage Centre, a technical mission was organized on Borobudur World Heritage Site from 27 September to 7 October 2006. Italian stone-expert Prof. Costantino Meucci inspected the site in collaboration with the team of conservationists from the Borobudur Heritage Conservation Institute.

Despite the great efforts made over the years for the conservation of the stones, the monitoring programme conducted by the Borobudur Heritage Conservation Institute has shown that the rate of material deterioration of the stone continues to increase, especially as far as scaling is concerned (but also alveolization and cementation). Even if a large part of this deterioration of the stone is natural and cannot be stopped, it seems that it could be reduced by more adapted maintenance practices and treatments on the site.

The Mission hence aimed at reviewing the current methodology of stone conservation at Borobudur Complex and designing new activities for monitoring and research. Prof. Costantino Meucci observed the deterioration of the stones onsite and had the opportunity to analyse samples in the laboratories of the Borobudur Heritage Conservation Institute.

During his mission, Prof. Meucci also inspected recently earthquake-affected Prambanan World Heritage Compounds and Taman Sari Water Castle in Yogyakarta and gave advice to the local authorities for the emergency protection and rehabilitation of these sites.
UNESCO has been actively involved in safeguarding the Borobudur World Heritage Site since 1973. Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1991, Borobudur is one of seven World Heritage Sites in Indonesia. It is our duty to continue to raise international awareness, not only to preserve this outstanding masterpiece and to treasure it for future generations to come, but also to do it justice, by teaching others to appreciate and understand its significance and artistic beauty.
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