Kyai Langgeng Park located at the western part of Magelang, and occupying land of about 19 hectares, with the tranquility of a rural atmosphere, is easily accessible as it lies only about 1 km from the center of the town. Convenient public transport brings the tourist there, leaving town life behind to go back to nature.Built by the local government of Magelang Municipality and opened its gate to the public in 1987.
Kyai Langgeng Park now provides of many kinds collection of rare plants from all over Indonesia, collection of dinosaurs statues, fishing pond, traffic gardens, aquariums, green house, swimming pool, open air theater, large cages of various kinds of tropical birds, various kinds of animals from the bigger to the smaller ones, arena for go-carts, a river for canoeing and wild water surfing, restaurants, souvenir shops, tropical fruit market, indoor tennis court, hotel and many other things to see, to do and to enjoy.
This park is named after one of the followers of Prince Diponegoro, one of the Indonesian heroes who fought bravely against the Colonialists during Diponegoro's war (1825-1830). The late Kyai Langgeng was buried in this area and his burial can still be found here. For now and the future the Local Government of Magelang Municipality will move on to invest in new recreational facilities for all levels of the community.
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