Di Barat sudah banyak sekali majalah online khusus traveler yang informatif, berkualitas, dan well-designed. GRATIS pula! (Di Indonesia ada ngga ya?)
Ini sepuluh di antaranya:
10 Majalah Travel Online Terbaik*
(1) Matador Network
The World's Largest Independent Travel Magazine

- Matador Trip - Trip Ideas for Travelers
- Matador Life - Tips for Happy, Healthy Living Between Trips
- Matador Change - Be the Change Around the World
- Matador Abroad - Travel to Study, Work, and Explore
- The Travelers Notebook - Travel Writing, Photography, and Film
- Brave New Traveler - Exploring the Inner Journey, through the Outer World
- Matador Nights - Covering the World's Best Night Life
- Matador Goods - The Good Stuff for Every Traveler
- Matador Pulse (News), Matador TV (TV), dan Matador Sports (Sport)
The Travelzine for Today's Vagabond

(3) Briefcase to Backpack
Travel Advice for Career Breaks or Sabbaticals

(4) Go Backpacking
Go Backpacking Around the World, Independently

(5) Wanderlust & Lipstik
Your Destination for Womens' Travel

Inspiration and Link to Plan Your Trip

(7) Offtrack Planet
The Backpackers' Ultimate Travel Guide

(8) World Hum
The Best Travel Stories on the Internet

(9) National Geographic Traveler
All Travel, All the Time. Anak majalah National Geographic, beberapa artikel yang dicetak di majalah terkadang di-publish di website ini. Versi Indonesianya ada di sini : National Geographic Indonesia.
(10) The New York Times - Travel
Salah satu kolom berita The New York Times. Favorit saya adalah kolom Frugal Traveler - Seeing the World in a Budget, blog yang ditulis oleh seorang backpacker, di-update setiap hari Rabu dan membahas tentang tips-tips dan info mengenai budget traveling.

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*terbaik menurut saya lho, hehehe... Dinilai berdasarkan desain situs & kualitas informasi yang diberikan. :)
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